Dr. Heidi is an IBCLC and infant feeding specialist as well as being a pediatric chiropractor. There are only a handful of chiropractors in the world that are also IBCLC's and look at breastfeeding issues through the lens of mechanical dysfunction.
She addresses the most complicated of lactation problems related to infant latch. Her fellow lactation consultant colleagues, dentists and other bodywork providers as well as local feeding clinics refer their most complicated structural cases to Dr. Heidi for her expert evaluation. It usually takes a multidisciplinary approach to help babies with serious feeding challenges. Dr. Heidi will work with your current team of providers and help guide you to the best ones for long term support.
She can assess why your infant is unable to latch at either the breast or on a bottle. She is able to ascertain if your infant has a proper suck pattern, oral ties, torticollis or body tension affecting latch as well as provide the care to correct what is preventing you from having the successful feeding experience you desire. She is an expert in oral ties and the pre and post frenectomy bodywork recommended.
The first visit will consist of:
consultation and history
comprehensive physical exams of both the the infant and lactating mother
observation of a feed with breast and/or bottle to evaluate for proper milk transfer
oral exam to evaluate for ties, tongue mobility, proper suck pattern, condition of palate, gag response and any muscle weakness
evaluation of nursing positions affecting infant jaw movements and interruption to the suck, swallow and breath reflex
torticollis presentation and/or flat head
demonstration of suck training or palatal stimulation exercises to perform at home
feeding plan to improve latch and milk transfer
personalized care plan to include communication with other team members and a report sent to the infant's doctor
the feeding issues we see are more complex so the the mother will also require an examination/assessment and her own care plan. We will try our best to run a payment estimator to make sure what can and cannot get covered by your insurance prior to the 1st visit.