What age child do you see?Brand new out of the womb to age 12. There are 3 other doctors in my office that are wonderful and highly capable of taking care of
teens-age 100+ so I can focus on the children. I no longer accept new patients over the age of 12. There are so many infants and young children needing care, so my time is dedicated to children. And no, I do not take adult patients anymore. |
Will chiropractic help?We will determine that! I will certainly not suggest care for your child if I do not feel there is something my skills can help with.
It all starts with an exam to determine what is happening. Because I combine my chiropractic experience with lactation, myofascial and craniosacral work, I look at a problem through many lenses and am able to correct most issues. If not, I will know who can! |
How do you work on a baby? I am nervous.Nothing to be nervous about! I will explain everything to you and be so incredibly gentle your fears will melt away. After I examine your child, I will be able to determine the issues and how long it will take to correct. I use a combo of hands-on extremely gentle care to release restrictions to improve and restore function. I have been doing this for over 25 years so have worked on thousands of babies. You are quite literally in the best hands!
Do you work with
I have problems breastfeeding and need help! Now what?If feeding is challenging, then we need to see WHAT about the feeding process is not working well. That requires evaluating both the infant and the lactating mother. Both are considered separate patients with separate charts and separate insurance claims. We know you may have a lactation consultant already and that is fantastic, but we still need to do an evaluation to see what is inhibiting effective feeding in order to best support your particular problems. Call the office to schedule an evaluation and we will schedule 2 appointments at the same time. One for the baby and one for the lactating parent. During that visit we will do a weighted feed, observe latching and transfer, make suggestions for positioning to support effective feeding as well as provide any oral or bodywork the infant might need. You will walk away with a plan of action. We will communicate with your IBCLC, dentist or ENT and pediatrician to make sure your team is supporting your breastfeeding journey.
Can you help breast clogs, mastitis or nipple damage?Yes, we can can help with most breast problems related to lactation. We will meet and discuss the problem then do an examination of the problem area before deciding the best course of action. We often use laser therapy, therapeutic ultrasound or kinesiotaping techniques to help heal problematic
breast tissue, cracked nipples, blebs or clogged ducts. If the problem has progressed beyond our services, we will make suggestions. |