When it comes to Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance coverage for lactation related services, I partner with TLN (The Lactation Network) to provide care at no cost to you. TLN bills your insurance company on your behalf and pays me a poriton for my service. You will never be balance billed. BCBS plans from other states are often accepted. Most Anthem and PPO plans are accepted. The only plans that are not accepted are Federal plans and some HMO plans. Please fill out this preapproval form from TLN to determine if we can bill on your behalf. If denied, you will pay out of pocket and receive a superbill to submit to your insurance for possible reimbursement to you directly. The Federal plans rarely reimburse though. I cannot guarantee reimbursement for any BCBS plan.
🔥🔥OUCH! 🔥🔥 If you have irritated, painful or cracked nipples from difficulty breastfeeding or pumping then we have the solution! To aid with tissue regeneration and pain reduction, we may use laser therapy to create the perfect environment for healing. The beam stimulates the body's natural healing response to rejuvenate its own tissues and reduce pain and inflammation. Results are typically faster than many other therapeutic modalities. Most patients notice a warm, often soothing feeling while being lasered. Most report improvement after the first or second treatment. And obviously there is a reason your nipple tissue became damaged and that needs to be addressed as well to lower any risk of reoccurrence. Laser therapy is used as part of your tailored healing treatment plan with our care.
![]() Your sweet little bundle is really starting to show off now that they have moved from the newborn stage to the infant stage. They should be smiling and giggling, watching you move about the room, practicing rolling, hanging out in tummy time, exploring their surroundings by putting everything in their mouth and working to sit up with alot of support. ![]() You might feel some resistance in one hip as you change a diaper. Or notice one shoulder/arm is harder to push into their shirt. When you bring your baby in for an evaluation part of what we are looking at is comparing movement on their right to left side. Does their head tilt or turn one way more often than the other and now the baby has a flat spot? We can easily see this and work together to remove the structural challenges. This is the age you will start to really see flattening of the skull. Flat head syndrome is clinically referred to as Plagiocephaly or positional plagiocephay if it is one sided or Brachiocephaly if the back of the head is flattened. Since it is suggested that infants be placed to sleep on their back there is a much higher proportion of infants with flat heads nowadays. Plus infants ride in car seats, rest in swings and bounce seats or are often placed on the floor to play on their back furthering the opportunity for head flattening. The infant skull is very soft so is affected by pressure. Premature babies will most likely always be affected by this.as will alot of multiples. Twins are "womb mates" and have continuous pressure on their developing skull so might be born with an obvious flattening to their skull.
By Heidi Henrickson, DC, DACCP, IBCLC Chiropractric Physician International Board Certified Lactation Consultant Breastfeeding can be incredibly challenging especially when a baby's lip or tongue are held too tightly by a thick string. It can feel like you need ten hands to hold the baby, your breast or bottle, the breast shield PLUS have to pump after THEN feed that to the baby and somehow eat, sleep and possibly take care of other children. Together we can help you solve most breastfeeding challenges and get you back to enjoying your baby. Imagine your own tongue being tied down to the floor of your mouth such that you practically choke every time you eat or drink much less try to speak. It makes it really hard to suck, swallow and breath when the tongue is not moving freely.So a baby gets quite resourceful and will use their jaw mucles to do a chewing type motion instead. That creates a very chompy type of latch while feeding. Ouch! Or worse, they can't even get latched on the breast or bottle. They use all their energy chomping and fall asleep within mere minutes only to awake shortly hungry and crying yet again. ![]() Ok, so can you just cut the strings and everything will be fine? It helps, but no, it isn't that easy. The muscular tension winds far deeper into the body than just the tongue as it dives further into the front of the neck down toward the collar bones, winds around the chest and spine all the way deep into the toes. This can pull the baby's head forward making them look like they have no neck and contribute to the challenges of cleaning out the neck creases. It might be hard to get them dressed or clean in armpit due to arm tension. It makes tummy time harder too and contributes to mouth breathing. Common complaints often related to infant body tension & tongue tie
Newborns can have a tough journey getting out of the womb. In fact, it is pretty tight quarters in there and sometimes they get stuck before they even try to emerge. Breech babies, babies that are sunny side up (occiput posterior) and multiples (wombmates) get a bit more squeezed than others. Some babies seem tense in their body right from the start. They might develop a head preference keeping their head turned more in one direction than the other. Eventually that could lead to a flat spot on their skull or even a diagnosis of torticollis. Other babies are tense and seem cranky or colicky most of the day. Having gentle chiropractic care by a chiropractor trained to work on babies can restore normal joint motion and release body tension. Since the cranial bones of the head are not fused yet, the bones can shift during the first year of life. Craniolsacral therapy can help ease the tension in the mouth, head, neck and body. We combine gentle chiropractic adjustments with cranial work. The hands-on care for a child is extremely gentle and never involves cracking, twisting or pushing like it might when an adult receives chiropractic care. Infants will be placed in a cozy pillow and examined checking to see how their body moves right side compared to left. We will check their shoulder and hip range of motion as well as spinal motion. We will note any body tension or restriction as well as if the infant appears uncomfortable with any movements made. We will check infantile reflexes and make sure they are on track with motor development. Most of the infants we see at this office are struggling to either breastfeed effectively or take a bottle, maybe even both. That could be due to body tension, jaw tension, oral ties, discoordinated suck patterns or weak oral muscles as well as common issues like maternal milk supply, positioning, nipple pain and gaining and sustaining a deep enough latch.
Did your baby skip crawling? Despite what you might hear crawling IS important. It helps integrate right and left brain, strengthens neck and shoulders, improves body awareness and also helps set them up for success later when kids need visual tracking to read. But what if they refuse to crawl? Or if they hate tummy time? What if they have a janky crawl with one leg sticking out or scooting on their butt instead? Crawling concerns is one of the top reasons a parent will bring their 6-12 month old in to my office for evaluation. Bring them in for an evaluation and we can gently adjust any spinal or pelvis restrictions, do cranial sacral therapy, muscle work AND offer tips for you to help them at home. Maybe they now walk in a weird way with toes in or out. Or they trip alot. Let's determine if they have higher or lower tone in their muscles and suggest some at home play.
Newborns use their hands to help find the breast. Their vision isn’t great so they have to rely on other senses in order to find the source of food and survive. The nipple area emits the same smell as the amniotic fluid they swam around in for so long. It helps guide the baby in the right direction. That’s why initially it is suggested to not wash your breast in the early days. Their hands ALSO smell like amniotic fluid so letting the infant suck their hands until they choose to STOP will help them prepare for feeding. Covering them with mitts, swaddling them or moving their hands out of the way DURING nursing sessions is actually making things worse. Your baby will give a few feeding cues and as long as you know what to watch for you can start the latching process before they melt down and lose it. •eyes start to flutter and you can see the eyeballs moving back and forth under the closed eyelid as they awake from a dreamy sleep. •licking lips, opening mouth, sticking tongue out seemingly licking the air •sucking on hands or anything near the mouth •fussing, trying to bat at you or lean/thrust themselves toward the breast •crying….oh boy, you better listen because things are about to get rough •once they reach screaming status it will take you a minute (or several) to calm them enough to latch as their nervous system is jacked up and you need to sooth them first. Don’t wait for this feeding cue if you want to have an easier experience at feeding time. Allowing your infant to touch the breast helps your body produce oxytocin and get the nipple erect in anticipation for a feed. Letting them push against the breast or knead it like a cat pushes on a blanket actually massages the breast and signals deep in the glands to send more down the shoot. Let’s use this to our benefit! Too often we try to be logical as we learn to feed our first newborn and end up halting these innate responses the baby naturally does. Now you know your newborn is actually helping! Seek help from an IBCLC in your area. They will be the best thing to help guide you and make suggestions for a more productive nursing journey.
Happy July friends! I’m so excited to offer this welcome package when you order your first oil bundle through me. If you’ve been thinking about grabbing oils, now is a great time. Listen, this quarantine has been hard on us all so treat yoself! This bundle has so many of my favorite things that will help you get oiling. Message me soon because I only have five left and I want you to get one. Check the oil section of my website to learn more. Not interested in oils? There is a CBD bundle that has the most amazing CBD muscle cream, a calming roller and a tincture. That is another fantastic option.
I don’t know about you but I love my house to smell good, relaxing, welcoming and remind me of a fancy beach getaway. 🏝🌊
I’ve got this wonderful bundle to help you create that same mood without leaving your house. Eight essential oils and a diffuser machine you can use inside or even on your patio outside. We put citronella oil in ours every time we’re out to keep those nuisances away. I also bundled up my favorite recipe card using these oils and a few bottles for you to mix up your new goodies as a gift from me. I think it’s a steal at $125. Tell me you want it and I’ll get it ordered and shipped right to your front door but this is only for people that don’t already have a Young Living account. Just shoot me an email and I will help you get it ordered. |
Hi, I'm Dr. Heidi!A mom of 3, pediatric chiropractor, natural remedy guru and wellness educator. Archives
August 2024
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