Dr. Heidi's Healthy Holiday Tips-I am so blessed to have a large circle of people around me that care about health and wellness. Love, health and happiness to you all!
1. Don't skip meals and wait to gorge yourself. 2. Don't forget to drink water! 3. Keep your portion sizes within reason to avoid huge glycemic fluctuations. 4. Have your plate be 70% plants and the rest protein and whole grains. 5. Give thanks before your meal. 6. Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. 7. Go around the table and have each person say what they are thankful for that year. 8. Grab a digestive enzyme after your meal and keep your digestive support oils on hand if needed. 9. Go for a family walk after eating. 10. Be the happy one NOT the grumpy one.
We could not have said it better ourselves. Chemicals affect your body and have to be filtered out. That taxes your system. Imagine if you only weigh 32 pounds? Why put chemicals on and in your kids? Switch to safer whether you buy it or make it yourself. This is a great article about synthetic scents by a smart chiropractor Dr.Axe.draxe.com/dangers-synthetic-scents/
Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving week! It is going to be a great week to focus on all the things we are thankful for…and there are many! Today’s post is going to continue our discussion on something that I am not so thankful for….chemicals! Let’s face it, we are going to come into contact with them whether we want to or not…because they are all around us. I always get a little postal when someone tells me that they won’t take supplements because they aren’t regulated by the FDA. Well, you know what IS regulated by the FDA…the added chemicals in our food. One such chemical is called Brominated Vegetable Oil. It was originally used as a flame retardant and has found its way into soft drinks such as Mountain Dew, Powerade and Fresca. BVO is banned in the Europe, Japan and India as it has been linked to Neurological impairment, infertility, thyroid dysfunction and psychological dysfunction.
Listen…this is how important it is to read your labels. You think the FDA is protecting you from ingesting chemicals that are detrimental to you health…you are wrong…completely wrong. Read your labels. If you do not recognize an ingredient to be a food source. Odds are, your body isn’t going to recognize it either. Eat clean. Live healthier. -Dr. Heather Elton Curious about what organ produces what hormone?
Hypothalamus-responsible for body temperature, hunger, moods and the release of hormones from other glands; and also controls thirst, sleep and sex drive. Thyroid-produces hormones that control metabolism, growth, appetite, body temp, muscle strength and play a role in the heart, brain, kidneys and reproductive system Parathyroid- controls how much calcium we have in our body Thymus-produces cells that attack and help our immune system function properly Pancreas-produces insulin that helps control blood sugar levels Adrenals-produce the hormones that control sex drive as well as stress Pituitary-the “master”, the “boss” that controls all other glands and makes the hormones that make you grow Pineal-also known as the thalamus. This produces serotonin and melatonin so affects sleep Ovaries-the female sex organs that secrete the female sex hormones Testes-the males sex organs that secrete testosterone and produce sperm As we are discussing chemicals, it is important to know that the United States has not passed a major federal law to regulate the safety of ingredients used in personal care products since 1938. However, the European Union has banned more that 1,300 chemicals in the product formulas of personal care products and restricted the levels of over 250 more products. Currently, the US has only partially banned 11 of these same chemicals!
All this to say...Do you know what is your in your lotions, potions and makeup?!? You need to! The FDA (surprise, surprise), isn't doing their job to keep the chemicals out of our products, so now it has become your responsibility! One of these chemicals, parabens (commonly listed as ethylparaben, butylparaben, propylparaben, etc), is known to be an endocrine disrupter, can contribute to reproductive and developmental disorders, amongst other health concerns. It is hard to believe it is still WIDELY used in personal products. If you are not familiar with endocrine disruptors, it is important to understand that these chemicals can interfere with the endocrine system...which means any system in the body controlled by hormones. They can contribute to cancerous tumors, birth defects, thyroid disorders, etc. We ALL know how common thyroid disorders, breast cancers and infertility has become. Well, it's time to check your products! The good news is that several companies have started developing because people cared and people decided to do something about it. I have been using BeautyCounter products for the last couple of years because they are passionate about keeping our products clean. Young Living also has a skin care line with the same passion. Dr. Heidi Henrickson-Zohn and I are here to help if any questions arise on this topic as I know it is a sensitive one! Here's to keeping it clean on Election Day 2016! Dr. Heather Elton How many of you have walked into your local craft or grocery store during the holidays and been immediately knocked over by the overpowering smell of scented pine cones or potpourri? Pure scents you think…? Michaels, AC Moore and Hobby Lobby-you give me a headache!
Many of these are loaded with yucky chemicals that I certainly don’t want in my home, let alone in the homes of anyone I’m gifting to. Since I like the holiday smells so much {even though smiling is my favorite!}, have no fear - you can make your own with our awesome essential oils! Even better, the scent is completely customizable! Fill a jar or cute Christmas basket with these to make wonderful little gifts for teachers or friends. :) Supplies: • Unscented pine cones • Cookie sheet • Water • Aluminum foil • Gallon zip-top bag • Essential oil(s) of choice Directions: 1. Fill your sink or a large bowl with water. 2. Place pine cones in the water and then put a plate or other heavier object on top of them to completely submerge (they’ll float otherwise). Let soak for an hour. 3. Place the cones in a single layer on a foil-lined baking sheet and place in a 200º oven for 30 minutes. NOTE: Step 2 and 3 help ensure the cones are clean and critter/debris-free. It also helps the cones open up, so don’t skip them! :) 4. Allow cones to cool completely before placing in a gallon zip-top bag. 5. Sprinkle approximately 20-30 drops of essential oil over the cones, seal the bag, and shake until cones seem well coated. 6. Allow bag to sit sealed for at least 1 week, though they’ll smell stronger the longer you allow them to sit. 7. Remove a few from the bag at a time to place in a holiday basket or bowl and enjoy!
There are so many chemicals we are exposed to in our daily lives. Stuff you don't even know or think about. Flame retardants and anti wrinkle clothes. How do you think the fabric gets that way? Bleach in our toilet cleaner. 409 spray. Even ones that have so much artificial fragrance in them that you get an instant headache. Do you ever stop to consider what is in your makeup? Scary. And you paint it on your nails and rub it on your lips. I know companies need stabilizers and preservatives to make their product shelf stable but don't give me toxins. The chemicals can be responsible for the tickle in your throat to wheezing. Or much worse, disrupt the hormones in your body or be neurotoxic. I care about my nervous system, do you? Stop supporting Monsanto and other companies that don't care about your health. Make your own stuff, buy stuff from someone who makes their own or get commercial products that are plant based. Your health and your children's health depend on it. Ask me for guidance!
Hi, I'm Dr. Heidi!A mom of 3, pediatric chiropractor, natural remedy guru and wellness educator. Archives
August 2024
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