Did somebody say PUMPKIN!!! I am obsessed with pumpkin and anything with cinnamon on it. This time of year so many People get so excited about pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks but it gives me a serious headache. Maybe it's the fake sugary syrup they use.
I have been drinking golden milk from time to time. It is tumeric milk with spices. I thought, why not add some pumpkin to the mix and create a thicker smoothie. As my tween would say, OMGEEEEEEEE. I use this daily tumeric powder from whole foods. In my book even more cinnamon is required so I dump large quantities, ok fine like maybe and extra few teaspoons. I add 1/4 cup pumpkin and toss in my ninja bullet with ice and almond milk. After blended I personally stir in 2 drops of cinnamon essential oil. I told you I have a love affair with real (not artificial creepy sickenly sweet cinnamon flavoring) so this extra boost just makes this perfect in my book. Of course for me it has to be Young Living's cinnamon vitality oil. Plus I love the fat buster effects real cinnamon offers by lowering your blood sugars naturally. This is true, I don't make this stuff up. Cinnamon as a real spice offers some crazy helpful health benefits and the fact that I want to bathe in it works for me.
Can we talk about spinach! Popeye was right, it makes you big and strong! Are there some GREEN fresh fridge items you always keep in stock? For me that is a large tub of organic baby spinach. You can throw it in smoothies, sautée quickly in a pan, make a quick salad or even stuff a handful in your mouth on the go. I also always have a bag brocolli slaw. It is the shredded stuff you can use to make coleslaw but I just add a handful to most of my meals. It adds texture and crunch where I need it. Then there is the usual ones like avocado, zucchini, green apples, celery, cucumber and limes. Frequently there will be Brussel sprouts. In the winter I buy herbs but in the summer they are in the tiny herb garden we have outside Fresh for the pickin. You will always find Frozen brocolli and peas in stock in my freezer. It is impossible to not build a plant based meal around these basic and common fridge staples.
GARDEN HARVEST! I tried growing cabbage for the first time, may not have grown very big, but so good. Certainly organic and when I had bugs attacking my veggies I sprayed with essential oil blend. I love to take cabbage, zucchini noodles, also grown in my garden, green beans, and squash ...steam then fry at the end with some coconut oil. Top off with Hippocrates house dressing. This is easy, healthy and you can use any veggies you like.
Who has tried spiralizing? You can make "noodles" out of any veggie. So filling AND healthy. I love beet or sweet potato noodles. Zucchini is delicious! One of my faves is beets and squash. Pretty colors and sturdy noodles makes for a nice chewy meal. I love making a dressing out of REAL maple syrup, mustard, ACV, olive oil and salt/pepper.
I bought an instant pot about a year ago. I was super excited to reduce my cooking time and it was all the rage. Then I read the directions and got nervous. It's a pressure cooker. Would I blow up the house or worse, blow off my face as I peered closely at it. So I tucked it away and scrolled thru some blogs and recipe sites seeing comments from others. Turns out, as long as you let the steam out before opening the lid you are fine. And thy make it impossible to open the lid if you haven't let the steam out. Kinda idiot proof. Ok I bring it back out. Tried rice. Ooh 8 minutes. Nice. Tried brown rice. Also perfect in under 10 minutes. Soup-yep that worked too. So this week I tried a roast and potatoes. 70 minutes and a 4 lb pot roast and potatoes where tender and according to my cavemen children, the best thing in the world. Trust me I'll keep experimenting because mama got like zero time lately however healthy meals still top the list of priorities. Here is the wonder pot I'm talking about.
http://amzn.to/2d3yBtg My little one and I spent some time at the orchard picking pears and apples. It was so much fun to see her discover the harvest in the trees. It is really amazing to see our food in its raw form. After a couple hours in the 90 degree heat, we ended up coming home with a few bags of fruit. The next question was…what in the world do I make with all of it! In hindsight, apple butter would have been a great idea but instead, I covered the gluten and dairy free apple cobbler, apple cake and landed on a fantastic recipe for pork chops with homemade apple sauce.
The following is my rendition of a recipe from my Whole30 cookbook…another one of my favorites for whole food eating! Season bone-in pork chops with salt and pepper. Melt 2 Tbsp of coconut oil in a large skillet and brown each side of the chops, about 2-3 minutes on each side. Transfer them to a baking dish and cook them in the oven at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes. (I purchased the chops pretty thin so this was an adequate amount of time). In the same skillet, heat another Tbsp of coconut oil and toss in a sliced onion. Cook for 2-3 minutes and add two apples (peeled, cored and sliced), ½ cup of apple cider (I used one with ginger, allspice and nutmeg already added), a pinch of ginger and a pinch of allspice. Cook for about 5 minutes, until the apples soften. Transfer to a food processor and blend until smooth. If you want to skip the last step, serve “as is” and save some time and dishes:). After the meal was complete, I realized that I didn’t prepare a vegetable…isn’t that what my goal was this month?!? Well, I wanted something green and an avocado had to do the trick! It is green and a healthy fat…yes, a weird combination…but my daughter loves avocados so I considered it a win:). By Dr. Heather Elton Had to chuckle when I saw this. Amen! Dr. Heather A Elton and I preach it to the masses daily. Make wellness and nature your medicine before you head down a pathway of no return. Even if you are already there, incorporate real food, nature and chemical free living Into your body, mind and soul NOW. We are here waiting for you!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Who else find themselves rushing their brains out in the morning now that it is back to school time?
My shortcut is to make up a bunch of Ziploc bags filled with frozen fruit, spinach, protein powder, concentrated fruit and vegetable powder, nuts ,flax, seeds or anything else we want. I keep the bags in the freezer so in the morning I just have to grab a bag, mix in rice milk or coconut water and pop it in the vitamix. Instant meal for on the go! ![]() Need help encouraging your kids to read? These bookmarks are super cool. They have a timer on them that you can set for a specific time OR you can just hit start and stop when you are done then see how long you read for. If your kiddo has to read for a certain number of minutes everyday this can be a fun way to keep track. Find out more at mark-my-time.com as well as see store locations. Big hit!! Sweet potatoes are a great addition to any meal. They are high in dietary fiber and beta-carotene (an antioxidant and precursor to Vitamin A…great for a strong immune system, healthy mucus membranes, skin and hair). They also give you a healthy dose of Vitamin C, B Vitamins and Manganese.
With their sweet flavor, kids tend to like the taste of them! You can add sweet potatoes to the top of dishes like Shepherd’s Pie (blended with a little canned coconut milk) or in smoothies. You can go as simple as a baked sweet potato or grilled sweet potato slices. That’s right…grilling season is back! The following is a simple recipe for sweet potato fries. Feel free to share your healthy, kid-friendly, sweet potato recipes in the comments below! *2 large, organic sweet potatoes, cut into thin match sticks. *2-3 Tbsp coconut oil (melted) *1/2 tsp sea salt *1/2 tsp black pepper *1/4 tsp paprika (smoked or regular) *1/2 tsp garlic powder Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Mix sweet potato match sticks and melted coconut oil in a bowl. Arrange in a single layer on a baking sheet (you may want to use parchment paper to avoid sticking) and sprinkle with mixed seasonings. You may add thyme, oregano, cayenne, etc for extra taste…but I find that kids like things simple. Bake until brown and crispy, approximately 15 minutes per side. It’s that simple. Have a great weekend…be good to your body! |
Hi, I'm Dr. Heidi!A mom of 3, pediatric chiropractor, natural remedy guru and wellness educator. Archives
August 2024
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