Do you drink enough water? An easy way to calculate is to take your body weight number and divide it in half. That number is how many ounces you need PER DAY for your body! Weight 200 need 100 ounces or just over 12 cups a day. Clearly an 800 lb person can’t drink 400 oz, so there is some logic involved when you get over 300 lbs. And it needs to be Water...not coffee, not beer, not Gatorade, not iced tea....WATER. 💧💧💧💧💧💧Your body is 60% water so you need to replenish! This is especially important for kids. I find most kids don’t drink enough water. Up to age 8 they need about one 8 oz glass for each age they are. So a 3 ur old needs 3 (8 oz) glasses. We have a @berkey_filters unit right in the kitchen easy for my kids to serve themselves fresh, clean and pure water.
POOP ALERT! 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
Do you have kids that get chronic belly aches, are constipated or nauseous or even babies that struggle with gas issues? Then this will be your BFF! My family LOVES Tummygize and it is my daughter’s favorite oil. I mounted a roller top on it and she can apply to her belly when needed. It is already diluted and safe for kids, even babies! She rolls in all over her belly and inside the belly button. In fact we have the bottles stashed all over the house and she has one in her desk at school. The cool thing is if you hate Digize but need belly support then try Tummygize! It smells more spearminty and less fennel like but still has alllllllllllll the good tummy support plants! 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 You absolutely NEED this for your family if you have tummy troubles. It is perfect to have on hand when the tummy bug comes to visit too! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Grab yourself a wholesale account on Young Living to snag this oil at a cheaper price! Type in my referral #2251897 for enroller and sponsor support. You are the controller of your emotions. You are what you allow. If what you are doing is not working it’s time to do something different. You are worthy, you are special and you are loved. Been thinking about trying essential oils to feel a little happier? Did you even know aromatherapy did that sort of thing?? Snag an oily bundle and diffuser now for $144. What would you pay for a chance to feel loved and supported? My community offers support in ways you couldn’t imagine. Contact me if you are ready and I’ll plug you right in to our sisterhood.
I had two friends lose a parent this week. My parents are that same age. It hits a little too close to home that our time with our parents is limited. I work hard every day to gain the financial freedom to spend more time with my parents. My goal is to travel more with them. To take them places they have never been. To see them more than twice a year. Family is everything. I’m thrilled I get to travel with my mom in 3 weeks to go to @younglivingeo convention. Having this opportunity to support her and be with her means the world to me. I love that young living will send us on trips together!! Where would YOU go with your mama?
The rare silent moment of love and silliness caught between a girl and her two big brothers. My wish for these three is that they always have each other’s backs, they stay tightly connected and that their bond may never be broken. Sometimes I can’t believe their mine. I’m so proud of them and the young adults they are shaping up to be. How is it possible they will happily leave me by age 18???
Non-Toxic Mosquito Go Away Spray-
there are a few different versions but all the same Basic ingredients. Here is a good one for oils that you already have!! The only exception is the cedarwood and you should have that anyway because it's amazing to help you sleep! Recipe calculation is About 10 drops total per ounce of liquid. So about 40 drops total for 4 oz bottle. If you are in a terribly buggy area (like Costa Rican jungle hiking) then you can make it a 2 ounce bottle instead of four but still use the same number of drops. It will be great! Ingredients- • 4 ounce dark-colored glass spray bottle • 2 ounces witch hazel • 2 ounces distilled water or even some liquid fractionated coconut oil to help it adhere better •10 drops of either Citronella or Purification oil (contains citronella and Lemongrass) •10 drops Lemongrass (acts like citronella) •5 drops Lavender •5 drops Peppermint •10 drops Eucalyptus (or use Thieves because it contains eucalyptus and Clove both of which bugs don't like) • 5 drops Cedarwood OPTIONAL • 10 drops Geranium (For added tick repellant) Directions • Take your clean dark-colored glass spray bottle and add your drops of essential oils. • Add your witch hazel and your distilled water. • Use fractionated coconut oil instead of water if you live in a woody area, are going out in nature, or need stronger coverage. The oil will sink in skin better. For dogs you can spritz on their coat or spray their legs and collar. • For most urban and suburban living, the distilled water version works just fine. • Close the bottle with the spray and shake bottle well. Spray generously before going outside. This works equally as good as all nontoxic bug sprays and you can make it at home! Mosquito spray containing DEET is vey poisonous to our nervous system. This one is NOT❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ In the summer months I soak my children's para cord bracelets in this as well as spritz their skin. Yep, it happening!! My favorite oily kit bundle is ON SALE!! Want me to hook you up and plug you into our exclusive wellness community offering amazing tips?? EMail...and fast! makeup too!’
Aromatherapy makes me happy. Chiropractic keeps me healthy. Kids keep me young. Family keeps me grounded. #secretstomycharmedlife
Investing in my family’s health with daily shots of #ningxiared. We choose to spend our hard earned money on quality food, dense nutrients, healing plant oils and strong emotional support rather than co-pays at the doctor. That is what prevention is. I’m not going to wait until we get sick to spring into Dr. mom mode. It’s a lifestyle choice. And I choose to heal my family with a heavy dose of prevention. This is a delicious and dense nutrient antioxidant drink made by @younglivingeo. We all happily drink 2 oz a day! Wanna be like us? Let me show you how.
Happy birthday to the love of my life! This guy is so kind and generous to every soul he meets! He always puts others before himself. I look at him with respect and deep love. He is an amazing father to our 3 babies and a loyal and caring partner to me. Happy bday To my favorite husband!
Hi, I'm Dr. Heidi!A mom of 3, pediatric chiropractor, natural remedy guru and wellness educator. Archives
August 2024
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