Got any quick tips to stop feeling overwhelmed? I promised myself I would say NO more often and have been failing lately. It all caught up with me today. #exhaustion
⠀⠀ My top 5 usual quickie get-your-head-on-straight things involve a chiropractic adjustment, lots of greens/juicing, sleep, tons of essential oils and laughter. ⠀⠀ What are your go-to musts when you feel your plate is spilling over? I might need to do more...
Fun fact: most organic tomatoes sold in supermarkets today are grown without ever touching the soil. It’s called hydroponic farming. Diseases and infestation from soil is reduced BUT are we getting enough minerals?
⠀⠀ Especially as more farming practices are turning to this practice to reduce cost, save water and have control over the growing conditions. ⠀⠀ I’m hearing of a lot of women very low in minerals. Are you? Google the symptoms of mineral deficient and Get your blood tested! I want it all! Yes, plants work. What do you have to lose? Let me help guide you. And do it now so you don’t waste any more money or time suffering. 🤪
⠀⠀ Lemon🍋: detoxing, tasty water. Digize🤢: tummy anything Lavender💜: sleep, skin. Valor🍂: sleep, balance, chill out, confidence Peace + Calming💤: calm the eff down Thieves🕵🏼♀️: magic, health keeper. Citrus Fresh👃🏻: bye stank, fresh laundry. Panaway💪🏻: happy muscles + joints. Frankincense🙌🏻: baby jesus, skin, calm. Raven. 🌬: breathing is fun Stress Away🌈: kids are still alive. Peppermint x 2🌱: breathe, muscles, brownie yum, sinus support Tangerine🍊: sleep, yummy water, chill vibes Purification☀️: stank be gone, healthy ears +TWO desert mist diffusers +lots of oily info +ningxia samples +thieves spray +thieves hand purifier +2 roller tops + handbook +exclusive community to help the whole way +me as your guide! Email me so I can get your info and YOU can get on with life! It’s FINALLY spring and there is life coming back to the trees. They are gorgeous but with that comes pollen. Got kids with seasonal allergies? Not anymore...
⠀⠀ What’s your best NATURAL defense against itchy watery eyes and throat and drippy noses? 🤧🤧🤧 ⠀⠀ Mine is targeted specific essential oils used in a diffuser AND rubbed on their ears and head plus D-Hist Jr. supplement by Orthomolecular. ⠀⠀ Together they are MAGIC!! Wanna know more? ASK! If you ever want to feel what it is like to be stress-free just head into the woods. I took a walk with my middle child today. I literally felt free, lighter emotionally and an immediate sense of deep peace. We decided the sun peeking through the trees kissing our faces, crispy leaves under our feet and a calm, palpable stillness was free therapy. It bonded us together and we decided we would take that time walking in the woods together more often. Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me.
Don’t let that green food coloring and powdered ice cream fool you, McKey D’s green goop isn’t real.
For anyone that wants a healthier version of the cult favorite Shamrock Shake here’s our favorite. Happy St Patty’s Day-Dr. Heidi There are 3 main ways to use oils.
1. Smell them 2. Rub them on 3. Ingest them ⠀⠀ A BASIC rule for dilution when making sprays that’s easy to remember is; ⠀⠀ 10 drops of EO for every 1 oz spray bottle ⠀⠀ I use water with a pinch of salt or a combo of water and witch hazel when I make sprays. It helps keep the EO from floating on top. ⠀⠀ What’s your favorite spray and why? ⠀⠀ I bomb pie crusts ever time I try to make them. Ugh. I wanted to make an apple pie (my kids fav) for Pi day. But it ended up dry on the outside and a soggy mess on the bottom. Anyone have a fool proof homemade crust recipe? I prefer not to eat palm and hydrogenated soybean oil so gotta make my own.
Been waiting for a sign to order essential oils?? Here it is!
⠀⠀ Young Living is retiring their 2018 kit making it on sale from $160 down to $144. I’m tossing in $25 from me so do the math and it’s like WHAT?! ! Plus I’ll deliver it to ya if you live locally to me. Buy a kit, join a community that helps you! ⠀⠀ What comes in a Kit: ⠀⠀ Lemon🍋: detoxing, yummy water. Digize🤢: tummy issues Lavender💜: sleep, skin. Thieves🔥: Healthy magician Citrus Fresh🍊: Fresh and happy everything Panaway💪🏻: happy muscles + joints. Frankincense🌈: chill out, skin help Raven. ❄️: take a deep breath Stress Away 🧘🏼♀️: the name says it all. Peppermint 🌱: breathe, muscles, head relief Copiaba 👶:help your teething baby ⠀⠀ +desert mist diffuser machine +ningxia sample +thieves cleaner sample +roller top +Lookbook and welcome goodies +online support community to help +me! Yep, Dr.Heidi in your pocket 👩🏼⚕️ ⠀⠀ Grab it at www. Or enroller AND sponsor #2251897. ⠀⠀ Make sure you buy the item #22397D it’s the one on sale! Monday morning of the time change can be ROUGH!
⠀⠀ 3Tips to adjust to losing an hour of sleep. ⠀⠀ 1. Ease Into it a few days before by adjusting your sleep routine by 20 minutes. Too late? Don’t wait for the clock to say 10 PM tonight, go to bed at the time you have been all along. Adults should shoot for 7-8 hours of shut eye. Kids need far more depending on their age. 2. Get outdoors! The bright light will help adjust your circadian rhythm. When it’s dark outside our body starts to produce melatonin getting us ready for sleep. So spend more time in the light in the AM. Retrain your inner clock! 3. Practice good habits before bed by avoiding screen time which helps kick melatonin production into gear and calm your mind. |
Hi, I'm Dr. Heidi!A mom of 3, pediatric chiropractor, natural remedy guru and wellness educator. Archives
August 2024
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