Imagine helping your littles with their cuts and scrapes? This oil contains all the good plant powers to clean up a wound AND help it heal well. Funny how much it helps when I dab this on facial breakouts too! This is just a necessity in my house! This oil may be used on minor cuts, scrapes, bruises and skin irritations.
Ingredients: Caprylic/capric glycerides, Idaho balsam fir, Melaleuca alternifolia, Helichrysum, Elemi, Cistus, Hinoki and Clove. I dab right onto their boo boos for a tear-free dose of love from Dr. Mom.
Eucalyptus is another "must have" for all households.
This is "the spa smell" you experience at every pampering establishment. The clean, fresh yet invigorating scent. It opens your airway to breath deeper, clears your mind and makes you take that deep cleansing breath. Young Living produces 3 varieties of eucalyptus oils - Eucalyptus Globulus, Eucalyptus Blue, and Eucalyptus Radiata. Eucalyptus oil is steam distilled from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree, also know as the gum tree. There are more than 700 species of eucalyptus, most of which are native to Australia and Tasmania. It is now grown in a variety of places around the world. 1. Eucalyptus Globulus This oil comes from the leaves of the Tasmanian bluegum, an evergreen tree, one of the most widely cultivated trees native to Australia. They typically grow from 30–55 m (98–180 ft) tall. This oil has an bold and rich fresh aroma and is used in many skin care products for its cleansing properties. The most recognizable smell. This oil is one of the world’s most familiar essential oils and is widely known to help support the respiratory system. This oil is also effective as a support to aching muscles and joints from occasional overuse such a strenuous gym workout or with normal joint changes associated with the aging process. This oil can stimulate healthy circulation, bringing a feeling of warmth to the body. It can also be effective in stimulating mental focus. By itself it is strong for little children so use of other form of eucalyptus or heavily dilute. SUGGESTED USES: Apply this oil topically to the chest area before or after a workout. Rub this oil on aching muscles and joints. Diffuse this oil to help support the respiratory system. Other fun uses: Soak your dishcloths in warm water with a few drops of Eucalyptus Globulus to combat musty kitchen smells. Add a few drops to the bottom of your steam mop for a sinus and floor refresh. Fill a small bowl with warm water, add 5 drops of Eucalyptus Globulus, and mix well. Place a towel in the bowl, wring it out, and put it on your chest or back for a warm compress when dealing with respiratory issues. 2. Eucalyptus Blue This oil is grown and distilled on Young Living’s farm in Ecuador. This essential oil is high in eucalyptol, which has a calming and invigorating scent when diffused. This oil promotes normal breathing and supports the respiratory and immune systems when applied topically and diffused. This oil can be helpful to relieve head pressure from tension and also relieve sore muscles. This oil can increase the metabolism. Although it contains 56% eucalyptol, because of its balanced chemical constituents, it is the only eucalyptus that has been found in the world today that does not cause an allergic reaction to people who are allergic to eucalyptol. That amazing! SUGGESTED USES: Diffuse to support normal breathing and to help clear air passageways. Apply topically to relieve sore muscles. Place a drop in each wrist, bottoms of feet and on the back of the neck. This may be especially helpful during pollen season. 3. Eucalyptus Radiata Eucalyptus Radiata is one of the key ingredients in the famous Thieves oil, but it also has a lot of great benefits and uses on its own. Sticking with the theme of self care, you can add Eucalyptus Radiata to a relaxing massage, or diffuse it for an afternoon pick-me-up. Along with helping support a healthy immune system, you can also apply it to your chest before a workout to feel energized and to support healthy respiratory function. With its crisp, refreshing aroma, you won't get many complaints no matter how you use this amazing oil. My Oily Life continues with a focus on Thieves oil. This is a wonder potion for sure. I have used this in my practice for at least 15 years. Crazy, right! I Still use it every single day. I tell every mom I meet that she needs this in her mom medicine cabinet.
Ingredients: Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon, Rosemary and Eucalyptus Radiata. This aromatic blend that fills any space with a rich, spicy aroma. Inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic combination composed of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals used while robbing the dead and dying, this oil is one of Young Living’s most popular products. With the benefits of this oil including cleaning power and an irresistibly spicy scent, Young Living offers it as an essential oil blend and as an important ingredient in a full range of home cleaning and personal care products, from dish soap to toothpaste. Looking to make your home smell as clean as it looks? Diffuse this oil throughout the house for an aroma that makes every room smell more like fall baking than harsh cleaning formulas. SUGGESTED USES: Refresh musty carpets by adding 5 drops of this oil to a cup of baking soda; combine well and let sit overnight until the oil is absorbed. Sprinkle over carpets and vacuum thoroughly. Diffuse 6–8 drops of this oil to help create an environment of peace and security. Put a few drops of this essential oil vitality blend in a capsule and swallow with water to support your immune system Put in a few drops of this essential oil blend in your dishwater or dishwasher to thoroughly clean dishes and eliminate odor. pop a few drops on a cotton ball and place in your vacuum bag. Most importantly use a lotion or massage oil to create a massaging potion. Rub onto the ears, back of neck and spine, over cheat and on soles of feet. Get some rest! Progesterone is a hormone found in both men and women that is generally associated with women’s health. It plays an important role in influencing menstrual cycles, pregnancy, and menopause. Genetic makeup, environmental influences, and other factors can negatively impact progesterone levels, which may lead to other imbalances in the body.
i use this one daily until menstruation. The dragon slayer to tame the bitch! Progessence™ Plus serum, intended only for woman, is a good option for those looking to supplement progesterone levels. Only for women who are NOT on birth control pills. Menstruating Teens too! Expertly formulated by D. Gary Young and Dr. Dan Purser, Progessence Plus takes pure, USP-grade, super-micronized progesterone from wild yams and combines it with vitamin E and an essential oil serum to easily penetrate the skin for improved delivery. Containing frankincense, bergamot, and peppermint essential oils to aid in absorption, this product does not require the cycling of application sites as do most other progesterone products. According to Dr. Purser, some of the common negative effects that adequate levels of progesterone can help support or minimize include: Hot flashes Night sweats Fatigue Insomnia Increased wrinkles Weight gain and muscle loss (sarcopenia) This essential oil supports the appearance of healthy-looking skin, reduces the appearance of blemishes, and can be added to your favorite skin care products. This oil can help minimize the appearance of acne scars. Perfect to apply directly to your face. I get monthly breakouts and this is the perfect oil to apply right to my chin when that happens.
The tree this oil comes from is famous for the honey that is made from the bees that pollinate it. The honey is well known for it's healing properties. There is alot written about Manuka honey. This oil has similar properties to Tea Tree Oil but is warmer, richer and milder. Try applying this oil to fingernails and toenails to maintain a healthy appearance. A perfect softer tea tree alternative. SUGGESTED USES: Add this oil to your favorite skin care products to maintain healthy-looking skin. Add this oil to your household cleaning products. Apply this oil to your fingernails and toenails to help maintain a healthy appearance. I have always wanted to make one of those pretty Pinterest-y Buddha bowls. There called that because they're so stuffed with good food that it mounds up in the middle like a big Buddha belly. Clearly I need a wide flat bowl so I guess I get to go shopping. Well when you get a two hour delay for school start and your kids are still sleeping you actually get the time to try that!
I used what I had on hand. Last night's edemame, sweet potato zoodles, 1/2 avocado, quickly wilted arugula, lacto-fermented slaw and 2 eggs. I tossed on some hemp oil mixed with my fire cider and some Gomasio. I love runny eggs so when the middle oozes out it adds a nice creaminess to the bowl. Yum! smoking hot deal alert! February 15 and 16th, 2017 you will get a bonus diffuser and two extra essential oils for just 29 bucks more when you sign up as a new member with Young Living. Pick whichever premium starter kit you want and add on a home diffuser dew drop design. I'll add you to my Facebook education group and help you make the most of using oils. Shoot me an email if you want the details.
[email protected] Do your kiddos LOVE bubbles in their bath like mine do? Unfortunately the bubbles in traditional Mr. Bubble-like bath products are, you guessed it, toxic. Harmful for their urinary tract and sink right into their skin. Chemical crap storm? No thanks. I'll choose to keep my kids safe.
I mix up a little bath gel and keep it in a bottle by the tub. I add about 1/2 this recipe for each bath to create safe bubbly water. Nothing will recreate the gigantic soapy huge bubbles that chemicals will but this at least makes fun and SAFE foam. 1/2 cup YL kids bath gel 3/4 water 1/4 cup vegetable glycerine 1/4 tsp sea salt Mix all in a separate bottle and add bonus essential oils if you wish. Gentle baby is divine for relaxing bath time! I use this oil daily. It is called Endoflex and is a blend that Young Living has created to help support a healthy adrenal system. Your adrenal glands are tiny glands that sit above your kidneys.
If you have a high stress life or stressful situations frequently, then your body releases cortisol. It takes one to two days for the cortisol levels to normalize that is why you may find it difficult to fall asleep even if you are exhausted. If your stress does not decrease then you'll eventually experience adrenal fatigue. Your adrenal system is just working too hard. You must support your adrenals or your thyroid will start to poop out on you! Ingredients in Endoflex: A base of sesame seed oil, spearmint (Mentha spicata), sage (Salvia officinalis), geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), myrtle (Myrtus communis), nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), and German chamomile (Matriciaria recutita). This oil can help maintain overall vitality with a proprietary blend of essential oils that support the endocrine system. This oil provides balance and support to the hormonal system. Assists the metabolism, thyroid function, the adrenals and with PMS. May aid in weight loss. dilute and rub over the front of your throat daily. When using as an internal supplement, dilute one drop of Endoflex vitality in 4 fl. oz. of liquid such as soy or rice milk, juice, or cup of tea. Includes the naturally occurring constituents alpha-pinene, carvone, geraniol, limonene, camphor, and myristicin. Can also be placed inside a vegetable capsule and swallowed. What else do you do on a school snow day but cook and eat? Challah French toast dipped in farm fresh eggs with fresh berries and *real*Vermont syrup. No fake carmel colored chemical crap for my cherubs! Eat REAL food❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hi, I'm Dr. Heidi!A mom of 3, pediatric chiropractor, natural remedy guru and wellness educator. Archives
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