It’s a whopping 5 degrees outside. I can’t complain because it’s 50 degrees WARMER than where my brother lives in Wisconsin!
⛄️ Morning chaos. Only one of my 3 kids has a delayed start to their schoolday today. Holy cow the amount of rearranging that has to happen when you have 2 working parents and one kid that needs a ride to school at 10:20 AM. 🌪 That chaos you feel is called entropy. Defined as lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder. Today our gradual decline is like one of those giant slides at a carnival. Up and down hitting bumps and sliding off your gunny sack eventually skidding to a halt walking away with a bit of road rash and a topsy turvy tummy. I think I’ll Valor up and also get adjusted today by my favorite chiropractor and keep my head on straight!
Baby It’s cold outside. That means slippery roads and sun glare don’t mix with running late. Twice this week I was hit from behind! Both times I was sitting stopped in traffic waiting to merge along with several other cars.
🥪 The first time the person behind me said she was looking to the left to watch oncoming cars. Oops, she forgot to notice there were several cars stopped in front of her. The second time the person behind me was eating a sandwich. Hmmm, must have been tasty. Made her forget that she was sitting in a line of traffic? 🥪 I have not been in a car accident since I was rear ended in college by a drunk man with his pants down. Yep, he was pretty busy behind the wheel multi tasking and smacked into us! My then-boyfriend and now-husband bonded over Stu the masturbating drunk driver. 🍺 Moral of the story, don’t drink and drive, don’t eat and drive, drive with your pants buttoned and be mindful of cars around you. I LOVE my job! I helped drain junked up lymph nodes and snotty noses of over 20 kids today. That’s ALOT of snot! But those kiddos can breath better now and they all got gentle adjustments to their spine. They all walked out of the office better than how they came in.
🤧 Chiropractic care for babies and young kids is very gentle. It’s downright FUN! Parents are always pleasantly surprised how their child responds and they always leave the visit making an appointment for their other children to have their spines evaluated too. If your kiddo struggles with congestion or is always sick then don’t ignore the option of seeing a fantastic chiropractor. Locate one using the website. Struggle with sinus congestion, sinus pain or chronic sore throats? Then listen up! You NEED these 2 items in your life. A natural sinus rinse made with colloidal silver and specific essential oils. NO, you WONT turn blue using silver. But if you use it, you WILL get better WAYYYYYYYYY faster. Kids too! In fact it’s Kid tested-mom approved!
🤧 The soothing throat spray really does ease your scratchy throat AND tastes super yummy. You know else loves it? Bartenders, singers, teachers and anyone who has to yell or talk a lot. At just $10 each what do you have to lose? Order from The Dakota Natural Goods section of the website and I’ll ship right out. A well-loved line up of tummy support. If you’ve ever had a kiddo with constipation and chronic belly aches than you know how hard it is to find something that they actually enjoy using.
💩 Our go-to favorites are a #chiropracticadjustment from mom (yep, crazy enough we can get things moving), drinking #aloeverajuice or #magnesium by CALM and a belly massage. And my sweet babe turns to this favorite #essentialoil by @younglivingeo. 💩 It’s called #tummygize and it smells minty yet soothing. She rolls it all over her belly and inside her belly button daily and whenever she needs to. It’s already diluted and ready to use right from the bottle. Need to chat more about kids’ tummy problems? Leave a question and I’ll answer. Need the name of a pediatric chiropractor? ASK! Need a bottle of tummy support for your kiddo? I’ll hook ya up! Busted out my old juicer today, dusted it off and tossed in the random wilted veg looking sad in the fridge. I was feeling I needed a natural zip in my step so I used spinach, kale, a giant piece of ginger so bendy it was beyond help and a pear. YUM! I hate cleaning the juicer machine though. Anyone have one they LOVE that makes cleanup a breeze??
Fastest dinner in the East! Cauliflower rice cooked in a pan with avocado oil. Stir in pesto. Serve with tomatoes and burrata. I love hot rice with cold tomatoes 🍅. I love 5 minute meals even more! All ingredients purchase at my beloved Trader Joe’s.
Silence is true wisdom’s best reply-Euripides.
❄️ I need silence. Downtime. Quiet. I function best when I can hear my own thoughts. As I’ve gotten older I realize it’s because I’m an introvert and an empath. I soak in every last thought and feeling from those around me. So large crowds drain me. I’ve learned to protect my own energy and flee from those that are energy vampires. ❄️ After a full weekend I was a hermit yesterday and hunkered down puttering around my house. And today I finally get back to Pilates. To center me, ground me and offer one hour of silence in my head. I didn’t succeed with my plan to do one thing for my own needs the last few days. Busy parties took over. So yesterday I forgave myself and started over. We had an painting themed party yesterday for my sweet girl. She wants to be an artist and own 100 cats. So cute! 🎂 Thanks to Pinterest I found the cutest idea for the kids to decorate a cupcake. Snagged some palates from amazon, filled with candy and plopped the cupcake in the middle. Looks pretty and fun and actually requires ZERO effort. Now we eat the leftovers AND tomorrow back to sugar-free! I snagged these paint palates, packs of canvases and cute disposable smocks. Then just fill with candy, sprinkles and gummies. rainbow of skewered fruit was a BIG hit with all ages. sometimes you get crafty and you make a fantastic cake. Other times you buy a fantastic and tasty one already made! This was one of those time. My daughter wanted a cat cake but I could NOT get one made in time. So we stabbed some paint brushes in this cake I bought at BJs. Perfect! we are super fortunate to have a real artist in the family. My sister in law taught the kids how to create a cat and then their imaginations went WILD. They were super creative!! it was crazy fun and every kiddo left with their canvas.
Who knew? It’s #nationalcleanyourdeskday. Funny, my desk for my young living work at home biz is my bed. It cozy and I never wanna get out of it. Sharp contrast to my desk at my chiropractic office. I even have to wear shoes there. Bummer. Which desk would you prefer? Don’t knock working at home with a network marketing biz till ya try it. Curious? Let’s chat!
Hi, I'm Dr. Heidi!A mom of 3, pediatric chiropractor, natural remedy guru and wellness educator. Archives
August 2024
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